Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Participated in the 'Etisalat Android Forum 2011'

Android is a widely spreading operating system for mobile devices such as smart phones and tabs. As IT undergraduates, we must be alerted with the latest technologies. In order to introduce the capabilities of 'Android', Etisalat (One of the leading telecommunication provider in Sri Lanka) organized a forum with the theme 'WHAT CAN ANDROID DO FOR YOU?'. 

Luckily I got the chance to attend the forum by registering on the Etisalat website. It was really helpful to understand Android and Android application development. I hope to develop some Android applications very soon.

These are some photos of the event.

This is the beginning of the event.
In this picture, Sameera, Guru, Sasika and I are seating in the front row if you can see :D Over 1000 people attended the event.
 A guest speaker.
 A demonstration on Android application development was done by a lecturer at SLIIT (see image below) and unfortunately I can't remember his name.
At the end of the event, there was a raffle draw and for the winners, Android Tabs and smart phones were awarded. 

See more photos from 'Etisalat Android Forum Facebook Album'.

For those who are interested,
there is a good video tutorial for Android application development in lynda.com.
'Hello Android' book is also a great resource for beginners.

-Tharindu Edirisinghe-
-SLIIT 10'-