Wednesday, December 15, 2010

TC Presentation - Part 3 (Presentation Day)

On the presentation day, we had lectures and practicals from the morning. Around 3 p.m the lectures were over and we all got together to do rehearsals for the presentation. According to the presentation schedule, our presentation was the last one and so we had to be perfect in our speeches because by the time we presented our solution, the lecturer had seen all the other presentations. The time allocated was from 4.45 p.m to 4.55 p.m.  

These photos were taken while we were practicing for the presentation.

From left to right, Insaaf, Saumy, myself, Ravishan, Rinaz and Pasan.

From left to right, Saumy, Pasan, Rinaz, Insaaf, Ravishan, Danushka and finally myself. 

We all were nervous as it was our first experience of doing a presentation. We went to the 9th floor for the presentation. It was a great relief because only the lecturer (Ms. Ahinsa Vithana) was there when we were delivering our speeches.

We had the presentation slides in a pen drive (we took a copy in another pen drive also as a backup) and Ravishan copied the slides to the computer in the presentation room and turned on the projector. 

I handed over the final report (written) to the lecturer. Then Rinaz started the presentation by delivering his speech. He really did well than I expected. Then Danushka started his speech. He was not fluent in English then, but he had memorized the whole speech which I wrote for him. He didn't even make a single mistake and did his job well. 

Then came Pasan. Although he didn't have much time to practice, he managed to present the content well. Since he was good in the Technology, he described the technical aspects of our solution.  

Then Saumy started delivering his speech. I was always worried about him because he was not good in English  (This led him to repeat all 5 subjects of the 1st semester of  the 1st year). He had memorized the speech but suddenly he got stuck. He tried hard to recall but finally failed. Then he requested Insaaf to continue the presentation.

Insaaf also did well than I expected. The last speech was done by me. I discussed the advantages and the disadvantages of our solution and gave a summary. Finally I asked the lecturer to ask questions if any and to give her comments. She didn't have any question and I knew that because we discussed everything related to our solution from our speeches. 

She told that we were better than other groups and advised Saumy to improve his English. She told that the colors we used for presentation slides were not good, because some of the colors were not appearing properly on the screen. It wasn't our fault, but a technical issue of the projector we used. 

One week later, we received the marks for the presentation. For the written document, we had got 3.6 points out of 4. The lecturer told that we had not used the correct format when giving references. 

For the speeches, points were given out of 6. Ravishan had got 6 and all the others except Saumy had got 5. Saumy had got 3. The average point of the speeches were taken as the final mark for the oral presentation.
Total mark was 8 out of 10. I think our group was the best group who got the maximum points and I'm proud to be the leader of the group.

-Tharindu Edirisinghe-
-SLIIT 10'-

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