Friday, November 19, 2010

How to Enroll yourself for a particular course?

When you want to download lecture slides of a particular course that you are following, first you need to enroll yourself in that particular course in the course web. From this post I'll teach you how to do that.

First you need to go to the course web of SLIIT. That is

Then you need to login to your account. Your user name is the registration number (eg: dit10c2-XXXX). Your password is the National ID number by default (this may vary). If you have already changed your password, use that to login.

After logging in, scroll down the mouse until you find the particular course.

In this demonstration I'll show you how to enroll yourself for a 2nd Year 1st Semester course in IT. Click the particular link as shown in the above image (eg: 1st Semester of B.Sc Special Honours in IT/IS/CSN - 2nd Year) .
Then the subjects will appear as in the above image. Click the particular subject. Then you'll get a window like this.

You get the above window if you have not enrolled yourself for that course. It will ask you for the 'Enrollment Key' of that subject. I'll teach you how to guess that using an example.

Assume that you want to get enrolled for the subject 'Information Systems and Methodologies'. In short it is 'ISM' (I have ignored the 'and'). Then you need to know the Course ID. It is appearing in the same window. I have marked it in red colour in the above image. For this course, it is '233'.

The Enrollment Key is the combination of the short name of that subject and the Course ID. For this example, it is 'ISM233'. Remember to type the letters in capital. then press the button 'Enroll me in this course' . If the Key is correct, the lecture slides will be visible.
Click on the lecture slide you want to download and it will start downloading. You have to enroll yourself for a particular course only once. After that it will not ask you the enrollment key. If this method doesn't work ask your lecturer the Enrollment Key.

P.S - If the subject is 'Data Communication & Computer Networks II' and the course ID is '206' , the Enrollment key can be 'DCCNII206' . Remember that it is 'II' and not 11.
This method will be useful when you get holidays after completing a semester. Then you can enroll yourself in the next semester subjects, download the lecture slides and go through them before the next semester begins. I myself used this (still using) and it really works !!!

-Tharindu Edirisinghe-
-SLIIT 10'-

1 comment:

  1. thanks. but enrollment key is not short subject name and subject number always.
